All I seem to feel is hurt and pain
The pieces of my heart just don't seem to fit again
What did I do? Where did I go wrong?

I just want you back but it's taking too long
The pain I feel is like no other
You should be with me, I'm your mother
My beautiful babies you mean so much
I'd do anything now to feel your touch
I can't sleep or eat, you're on my mind all the time
I just want you home because after all you are mine
This is painful torture that I just want to stop
So many thoughts in my heart it could literally pop
Confused …. angry … did it get to this?
Please I beg you just one little kiss
My whole life has been ripped apart look where I am now …….
Back to the start ……
The pain …the numbness is one I can't describe
We are supposed to be a family, one they couldn't divide
I’m so sorry for how things have turned out
But I'll make off your future is perfect, there is no doubt
I'll do my best to stop the pain
And to have you all back in mummy's arms again